Innovation Sandbox – Breaking Out of the Walled Garden of the Cloud


The cloud is one of the great tech advances in recent history. It is a “garden” of benefits: speed, efficiency, lower costs, flexibility and consumable services. However, it’s become apparent that this garden has walls – the benefits are truly available only if your workloads are in the public cloud as provided to you. If you have latency, edge, or on-prem needs or concerns, the public cloud wasn’t the garden it promised to be.

Now we have the distributed cloud – for example, the IBM Cloud Satellite – which promises to knock down the walls and bring the garden to you.

This Innovation Sandbox episode talks about what the distributed cloud is and why it emerged; how clients are using it today; what the IBM Cloud Satellite is and how it works, and – most importantly – how your cloud workloads can come to you.

Cloud experts Briana Frank, Director of Product Management for IBM, and Greg Hodgkinson, Prolifics CTO join host Kirsten Craft for this informative discussion.

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