Prolifics Named IBM Think Build Grow Winner
August 6, 2021

Prolifics, a global digital transformation leader and a long-time IBM business partner, is proud to announce IBM has selected Prolifics as one of its 2020 IBM Think Build Grow winners.
Think Build Grow is a part of IBM PartnerWorld. It recognizes achievements in innovation, leveraging cloud and AI technologies.
Prolifics’ winning submission was its “Quick FHIR” solution leveraged with IBM’s Cloud Pak for Integration and Cloud Pak for Data. Prolifics Quick FHIR is a digital healthcare integration and data platform based on the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standards for exchanging electronic health records. Quick FHIR allows organizations to easily use and share information with application programming interfaces (APIs) and use artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to derive useful, actionable insights from de-identified data.
“The increasing need for participants in the medical industry to quickly share data has driven the popularity of the FHIR standard, aimed to help ease the challenges of data sharing and interoperability, said Greg Hodgkinson, Prolifics Chief Technology Officer. “Our winning submission, Quick FHIR built on IBM Cloud Paks, was designed to help healthcare organizations better share and leverage healthcare data, ideally leading to improved healthcare outcomes and reduced claims processing costs.”
About Think Build Grow
Interested organizations register and submit business plans for the development of next generation solutions on the IBM Watson and Cloud platform. IBM provides resources such as Cloud credits, subject matter expert (SME) workshops, code patterns, hackathons, and incentives to build solutions using the applicant’s intellectual property and IBM technology. In addition, there is a co-created go-to-market strategy and launch, with dedicated IBM resources for brand and digital marketing support.
About Prolifics
Prolifics is a global digital transformation leader with expertise in cloud, data and analytics, DevOps, digital business, and quality assurance across multiple industries. We provide consulting, engineering, and managed services for all our practice areas at any point you need them – giving you fast, complete solution delivery experiences that you will find nowhere else. Whether it’s initial advising and strategy; design and implementation; or ongoing analysis and guidance, Prolifics will help you take charge of your digital future. Visit
Media Contact: Pam Romanemail: PamelaRoman@prolifics.comphone: 818-877-0073