Turning AI Innovation into Business Value at Prolifics

August 12, 2024
Turning AI Innovation into Business Value at Prolifics

Our Challenge, Your Win 

At Prolifics, our mission goes beyond delivering technology solutions; we strive to empower our clients to achieve real, measurable success. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, innovation is essential, but the real challenge lies in translating innovative ideas into actionable business outcomes. That’s why we’ve focused on not just helping our clients generate groundbreaking AI and business intelligence ideas, but also ensuring they can move these ideas forward with strong financial justifications. This focus on the “why” is at the heart of everything we do. 

In line with this commitment, we recently embarked on two exciting initiatives that underscore our dedication to driving value through AI and business intelligence: the AI for Business Case Challenge and our internal AI Hackathon. These events were designed to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI for business innovation while also ensuring that every idea is backed by a solid business case. Here’s a closer look at what we’ve been up to and the remarkable achievements of our teams. 

The AI for Business Case Challenge

Turning Ideas into Actionable Business Cases 

The AI for Business Case Challenge was an internal competition aimed at equipping our sales and consulting teams with the skills to create compelling business cases for AI business solutions. We understand that many of our clients struggle to advance their AI and business intelligence projects due to a lack of financial justification. By focusing on building strong business cases, we aimed to help our teams think like our clients and guide them through the process of moving an AI idea into production. 

This challenge saw our teams develop innovative AI in business strategy concepts and pair them with detailed financial analyses, ensuring that each idea was not only technically sound but also financially viable. The results were impressive, showcasing our team’s ability to bridge the gap between AI in digital transformation and business value. 

Winners of the AI for Business Case Challenge: 

Drumroll, please… 🥁 


……intentional white space for suspense…



Sriharsha (Kotekar) SridharaAI-powered Truck Fleet Optimization 

Project: Harsha’s pitch to use AI and business intelligence to reduce maintenance costs, optimize routing, improve driver behavior, and inform load and fuel management produced a financial justification example of over 10% in cost savings. 

Darryl ZackB2B Recommendation and Inventory Management Engine for eCommerce 

Project: Darryl’s pitch to use AI business solutions to build a tailored customer recommendation engine using historical data, combined with optimizing product mix for better inventory predictions, produced a financial justification example of increased annual revenues of over $4M and ROI in less than 1 year. 

Nazeer Ali MohammedAI-driven Security Platform 

Project: Nazeer’s pitch to use AI for business innovation to provide enhanced cyber security capabilities around real-time threat detection and remediation produced a financial justification example of cost savings of approximately $500k annually. 

Winners of the AI Hackathon: 

In addition to the AI for Business Case Challenge, we also hosted an AI Hackathon—a vibrant showcase of creativity and technical skill. The hackathon brought together teams from across Prolifics, all competing to develop AI business solutions that will transform our approach to AI in digital transformation.  

After an intense day of reviewing and scoring the submissions, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the AI Hackathon: 

First Place: Team Visionary Titans

Winners: Sumith Earra, Drakshayani Hattiyavar, and Surya Dacha 

Project: A visionary AI for business innovation solution that stood out as the best of the best, earning the top prize. 

Second Place: Team Robo Reign 

Winners: Tushar Mahajan, Amit Kumar, and Prajwal Ghormode 

Project: Showcased a remarkable approach that pushed the boundaries of AI in digital transformation 

Third Place: Team Script Squad 

Winners: Ammullyaaw Khajjayam, Ojaswani Kambham, and Shashank Pandey 

Project: Demonstrated technical skill and innovative thinking, contributing to the broader AI in business strategy. 

Honorable Mention: Soundar Mannathan – Team HERO (High-Efficiency Engineers for Real Outcomes) 

Project: Recognized for outstanding effort and creativity in leveraging AI for business innovation. 

Congratulations to all Prolifians involved! These teams went above and beyond, not only demonstrating their technical prowess but also highlighting how innovation can lead to tangible business outcomes. 

Empowering Our Clients to Succeed 

Both the AI for Business Case Challenge and the AI Hackathon are rooted in our commitment to helping our clients succeed. We recognize that while generating innovative ideas is essential, the real value comes from being able to turn those ideas into actionable projects that drive business outcomes. By equipping our teams with the skills to build strong business cases, we’re ensuring that every AI project we collaborate on is not just a technical success but a financial one as well. 

As Kirsten Craft, one of our key leaders, expressed, “We see our clients with incredible ideas, but they often struggle to move them forward. Our goal is to do more than deliver great technology—we want to empower our clients to champion these ideas within their organizations and see them succeed.” 

It’s not just about helping our clients generate ideas; it’s about helping them move those ideas forward. By equipping them with the tools to build a strong business case, we’re helping them overcome the internal hurdles that have been holding them back. 

Gregory Hodgkinson, our CTO, further emphasized the importance of this approach: “We’re not just here to build prototypes; we’re here to ensure that the investments our clients make in AI are sound and that they deliver real, tangible value.” 

Vision to Value. Faster. 

At Prolifics, we believe that innovation is only as valuable as the business outcomes it drives. By focusing on the “why” behind AI in digital transformation initiatives and equipping our clients with the tools to succeed, we’re ensuring that their investments lead to real, measurable success.  

Our goal is to ensure that every AI project we collaborate on is not just a technical success but a financial one as well. These challenges are just the beginning, and we’re excited to continue working with our clients to turn vision into value—faster. 

Don’t miss out—subscribe for more insights, stories, and successes. Or contact us today and unlock the ROI potential of your AI idea! 

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