Men’s Fashion Retailer Finds Best Fit for Data Privacy and Governance

August 16, 2021
Men’s Fashion Retailer Finds Best Fit for Data Privacy and Governance

This retail holding company (RHC) is a U.S.-based parent company to several specialty menswear chain retailers. It has offices and a large consumer base in California, although it is not headquartered there.

About our client, a retail holding company for men’s clothing stores


Where’s the Important Data Stored?

Because of RHC’s presence and other criteria in California, it is subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which gives consumers a series of rights over their personal data held by organizations. Our client, however, didn’t know where all the consumer data it collected was stored. This data was held in different legacy systems controlled by different departments and subsidiary retailers, and the systems did not communicate. As a result, RHC was behind on meeting CCPA requirements, leaving them at-risk for substantial non-compliance fines.


Data Privacy Workshop and Audit Keys to Success

We first conducted a data privacy assessment workshop with RHC and performed a data privacy audit. When a company like RHC comes to us in this situation, Prolifics offers the assessment workshop and audit in what can be called a “CCPA jumpstart.” This assessment includes a review of CCPA, finding the gaps a company faces, data inventory and sampling, as well as documentation and architectural requirement as a platform towards compliance. This can include employing artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/AL) to find the consumer personal data wherever it lives and identify where data may be at risk of violating privacy laws. We can also apply data management processes and procedure solutions to help a company assemble and format this personal information into a digital catalog.


More Data Sources Discovered

Using our internal tools and accelerators, we discovered 163 different sources of data. RHC was aware of only a fraction of these different sources – but now it knows where all the consumer data it collects comes from and where it’s now located.

Going further – the governance and security connection to privacy

Prolifics believes that consumer data privacy is part of data governance and directly connected to corporate security. And we understand that good data is critical to everything a company does. So, beyond a CCPA jumpstart, we are taking the bigger picture step of helping RHC determine how best to organize, manage and govern all its data and data systems to get the most out of it – also known as data maturity. Based on the business outcomes RHC wanted, we conducted a data maturity assessment to determine how best to structure their data. This included an organizational assessment to help them put data policies in place and determine specific employees’ roles and responsibilities around the data.

About Prolifics

Prolifics is a global digital transformation leader with expertise in Data & AI, Integration & Applications, Business Automation, DevXOps, Test Automation, and Cybersecurity across multiple industries. We provide consulting, engineering and managed services for all our practice areas at any point our clients need them. Vision to Value. Faster. It’s not just the Prolifics’ tagline, it’s what drives us. Connect with us –