Process Mining Helps Ensure On-Time Deliveries and Happy Customers
July 9, 2021
Challenge – Where’s My Delivery?
As individuals, we’ve all known the frustration of the package that comes late or, worse yet, never arrives. As business people, we know what it’s like to deal with customer or client complaints, and the frustration that comes from not being able to figure out how to readily correct the problem.
Our client, an international package delivery company, was having trouble uncovering and identifying the source of delivery problems, such as equipment or system breakdowns, and then was spending too much time finding answers and implementing solutions. Their current workflow SaaS system was not providing the insight they needed. They turned to Prolifics for help.
Action – The Prolifics Process Mining Workshop to the rescue
Upon discussions with the company, we felt that our client would be an excellent candidate for our Process Mining Workshop, a half-day to one-day, free, interactive meeting to identify operational challenges and determine the best plan to jump start the corrective action. Here’s more on both Process Mining and the workshop:
What is Process Mining?
More simply, Process Mining uses your company’s own data to quickly identify inefficiencies, where to improve operations and how to get your desired business outcomes.
Your workforce, customers, vendors, and others generate data in the form of digital footprints any time they use your internal systems to perform work. These digital footprints are recorded in ERPs, CRMs, databases, log files, audit tables, Excel documents and other systems and applications. Process Mining follows this digital trail through a system to discover what’s happening and automatically creates a visualization of the process from the data.
Because it’s based on real data, a Process Mining project can guarantee the improvement to the targeted process, and monitor the process going forward against the new procedures or policies.
Gartner’s Marc Kerremans, VP Analyst for Business Automation, has stated that our bundling of Process Mining and process automation is unique in the market.
Why the Process Mining Workshop?
Our Process Mining Workshop pairs you with our process experts to identify your operational challenges. Workshop activities include an overview and demo of process mining; then together we perform a process assessment, systems overview and data inspection.
The initial goal of the workshop is to identify the “quick win” – correcting a specific, critical problem that jump starts the development of a greater action plan.
Through the Process Mining Workshop, Prolifics and the client examined different problem areas, and decided to first focus on the delays in their root cause analysis (RCA) system and procedures, which uncovers the reason why a problem occurred in the first place. The long RCA response time was a major pain point for the client.
Showing dramatic results in the RCA process inspired the client to take Process Mining into other areas of their business. They are now in a position to implement the changes that will help ensure that the package gets delivered.
Prolifics combines its expertise and experience in Process Mining, systems, automation and artificial intelligence / machine learning (AI/ML) with the capabilities of IBM’s myInvenio, a process mining software.
Prolifics – Vision to Value. Faster.
Prolifics is a global digital transformation leader with expertise in Data & AI, Integration & Applications, Business Automation, DevXOps, Test Automation, and Cybersecurity across multiple industries. We provide consulting, engineering and managed services for all our practice areas at any point our clients need them. Vision to Value. Faster. It’s not just the Prolifics’ tagline, it’s what drives us. Connect with us –