Financial Services: Rapid Auditing Capabilities [Video]

February 19, 2020
Financial Services: Rapid Auditing Capabilities [Video]

The problem

  • Verus Financial analyzes millions of records to return unclaimed assets to their rightful owners. The problem: how can it quickly and efficiently gain accurate insight from millions of records to serve customers better and faster?

The Solution

  • Verus Financial implemented IBM InfoSphere and IBM SPSS software to increase efficiency, speed and performance.

The role of Prolifics

  • Architected predictive analytics models and strengthened data quality;
  • Acted as Strategic Advisor across projects and future solutions;
  • Provided coaching, mentoring, in-depth technical training.

The Results

  • Verus Financial achieved 99% audit report accuracy;
  • increased from 3 to 30 iterations a week;
  • reduced analyst training time by 14 months.