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What You Call Yourself - The Evergreen Empire

What You Call Yourself - The Evergreen Empire

In my early entrepreneur days, I looked up to Amy. She owned a thriving one-person consulting business, seemed in a happy relationship, had her shit together. I needed to be like Amy. So one day I emailed her and asked the super important question: What

NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft About To Sling-Shot Past Earth

NASA’s Lucy Spacecraft About To Sling-Shot Past Earth

NASA’s Lucy spacecraft, the first mission to the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, will skim the Earth’s atmosphere on October 16, at 7:04 a.m. EDT. It is a very close spacecraft flyby, passing a mere 220 miles (350 kilometers) above the surface. By

What do data portals do? Tracing the politics of online devices for making data public | Data & Policy | Cambridge Core

What do data portals do? Tracing the politics of online devices for making data public | Data & Policy | Cambridge Core

What do data portals do? Tracing the politics of online devices for making data public Published online by Cambridge University Press:  30 March 2023 Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom * Cite Abstract The past

High-value Datasets – An overview through visualisation

High-value Datasets – An overview through visualisation

In light of the growing importance of data, in 2019, the European Commission has been tasked to adopt an implementing act focused on high-value datasets. As stated by both the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, these datasets provide

Landsat Turns 50

Landsat Turns 50

9 min read Landsat Turns 50 In my senior year of high school I was fortunate enough to spend one period a day working on a special project. Instead of being stuck in a classroom, my friends and I got to work on installing an antenna on the school’s roof to

Break-the-Frame: An Approach to Visualizing Outliers - PolicyViz

Break-the-Frame: An Approach to Visualizing Outliers - PolicyViz

A conversation that often pops up in visualizing data is what to do about outliers. How should we handle data values that are so much larger (or smaller) than the rest of the values in our data? In this post, I’m going to share a technique I’ve seen used

Perspective views : Outlying areas : Pacific Area ...

Perspective views : Outlying areas : Pacific Area ...

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection David Rumsey Historical Map Collection mediaCollectionId David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Collection Perspective views : Outlying areas : Pacific Area ... short_title Perspective views : Outlying areas : Pacific

PLN8 Ep. 11- Amira Hankin & Designing Without Rules | Stamen

PLN8 Ep. 11- Amira Hankin & Designing Without Rules | Stamen

PLN8 Ep. 11- Amira Hankin & Designing Without Rules Ross Thorn | 10.17.22 The intersection of the physical world and human consciousness is a playground for designers like Amira Hankin , who know how to leverage both to influence the behavior of an observer.

Warped reality—virtual trip to hyperbolic space

Warped reality—virtual trip to hyperbolic space

Math just met "warp drive" in a virtual reality headset to transport anyone who dons the visor to a reality twisted by hyperbolic geometry. The program was co-created by Sabetta Matsumoto, a physicist and applied mathematician at the Georgia Institute of