Transforming Lives Through Telehealth with PainScript and Prolifics 

June 25, 2024
Transforming Lives Through Telehealth with PainScript and Prolifics 

In a recent chat, we explored the story of PainScript, a cutting-edge telehealth platform, and its successful partnership with Prolifics. Our panel included Scott Cashon (PainScript CTO), Shyam Tumma (Delivery Partner at Prolifics), Rajeev Sharma (Solution Architect at Prolifics) and Greg Hodgkinson (Prolifics CTO). This conversation highlighted PainScript’s growth, Prolifics’ vital support, and what lies ahead. Here’s a Q&A capturing the key points from this engaging session. 

Read the case study. 

About Painscript 

PainScript, a psychiatry practice based in Washington, D.C., has taken proactive steps in the telehealth space. In 2021, they partnered with Prolifics to launch a groundbreaking digital platform (web and mobile) for managing chronic pain and substance abuse. The mobile app is used by doctors and administrators to manage patient care, while patients use it to receive notifications and fill out surveys. This innovative platform, the first of its kind in the US, offers comprehensive online treatment reminders and support for mental health patients. It helps patients adhere to their treatment schedules and improve their overall health through consistent engagement and reminders. Designed to provide real-time, evidence-based care, the platform aims to enhance health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs for patients dealing with opioid and other substance use issues.  

Q: Scott, can you give us an overview of PainScript’s journey and its collaboration with Prolifics? 

Scott Cashon (PainScript CTO): Absolutely. PainScript started with a focus on pain and substance use disorder patients. Over the years, we’ve expanded our platform to other verticals like bariatrics, physical therapy, and rheumatology. Our collaboration with Prolifics has been pivotal. They’ve been instrumental in helping us navigate the startup phase and scale our operations efficiently. Part of the reason for our success is the ability to work with companies like Prolifics, who have supported us in becoming successful and joining in our success as we hit our stride and build up our customer base.” 

We’ve increased our customer base by over 50%, thanks to the robust support and flexibility of Prolifics. This partnership has been built on trust and adaptability, allowing us to navigate challenges and seize opportunities effectively. 

Q: Shyam, how has Prolifics supported PainScript through its growth? 

Shyam Tumma: We’ve built a strong, trust-based relationship with PainScript. We started working with them as a startup knowing that we will face rapidly changing priorities. We’ve worked closely to develop a scalable platform that can accommodate their growth and new verticals efficiently. We employed Agile methodologies and used advanced technologies like Angular, React, and Azure DevOps for the development and automated deployment processes. The platform was originally designed to support patients who struggle with mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders and require consistent reminders and notifications for their treatment schedules. Our solution helped fill this gap by providing an application offering online treatment reminders and support. Our approach has been very agile – whether it’s addressing emergencies or shifting priorities, our team has always been ready to support them.   Flexibility is key in our approach.  

Q: How does the application work for patients with mental health issues? 

Shyam Tumma: The application sends prompt notifications to remind patients about their medication schedules, therapy sessions, and other essential activities like yoga or exercise. For instance, a patient might receive a notification at 6:00 AM to take their medication, another at 9:00 AM for yoga, and a third at 12:00 PM (Project Manager) for a second dose of medication. This helps ensure they adhere to their treatment plans despite their mental health challenges.  

Q: How does the application help doctors monitor their patients’ progress? 

Shyam Tumma: Doctors can conduct regular surveys through the app to check patients’ progress. These surveys may be conducted daily, weekly, or monthly, asking patients about their symptoms, medication adherence, and overall well-being. Based on the survey results, doctors can adjust treatments, prescribe new medications, or refer patients to specialists if needed. 

They take the time to understand the requests we make and how they fit into the larger platform. I’ve lost track of the number of times that they’ve suggested alternative approaches that are more efficient ways of accomplishing our goals. 

Q: What was the outcome of the initial release of the application? 

Scott Cashon: The beta version of the application was a massive success, leading to significant growth for Painscript. We now serve over 2,000 patients, thanks to the expanded and enhanced features of the application. 

Q: Scott, what recent achievements has PainScript accomplished with Prolifics’ help? 

Scott Cashon: One significant change we made recently is the development of a universal version of our app. Previously, we customized the app extensively for each client, which involved changing names, logos, and colors, and running it through the Apple and Android stores. This process was manageable when we had just a few customers, but as our customer base grew, it became a bottleneck. 

To address this, we created a more flexible version of the app that can be quickly adapted for new clients. Instead of fully white labeling the app for each customer, we now have a single universal version. This means we only need to rebrand it slightly – for example, updating the logos and color schemes – rather than making extensive changes. 

“The Prolifics team has been able to turn it around very quickly so that we can keep things moving.” 

This approach has dramatically reduced the time required to launch the app for new customers. Now, patients still see a branded experience once they log in, with the appropriate logos and color schemes for their specific provider, but we avoid the lengthy approval process from app stores. This has been a game-changer for us, allowing us to scale much faster and meet the needs of our growing customer base efficiently. 

Q: Scott, how do you ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected from patients? 

Scott Cashon (PainScript CTO): Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data we collect from patients is crucial for providing effective care. Our approach involves a combination of direct and indirect questions to get a comprehensive view of the patient’s condition. 

  • Direct Questions: These are straightforward questions that directly address specific aspects of the patient’s health. For example, we might ask patients to rate their pain on a scale from 1 to 10. This gives us a clear, quantifiable measure of their pain level. 
  • Indirect Questions: These questions gather information that can provide context to the direct answers. Instead of asking about pain directly, we might ask patients how their pain affects their daily activities, such as whether they can go to work or perform household chores. These responses help us understand the practical impact of their pain and validate the information provided through direct questions. 

By using both types of questions, we can cross-verify the data. For instance, if a patient reports high pain levels but also mentions that they can perform all their daily activities without much difficulty, this discrepancy might prompt further investigation or adjustment of their treatment plan. 

We also employ patient-specific alert thresholds. This means that we tailor alert settings to each individual’s normal patterns and pain tolerance levels. For example, if a patient usually reports a pain level of 6, an alert might only be triggered if their pain level suddenly increases to 9. Conversely, for a patient who typically reports lower pain levels, an alert might be set at a lower threshold, such as 4 or 5. 

This personalized approach ensures that alerts are significant and relevant, reducing unnecessary notifications and focusing attention on potential issues that genuinely require intervention. By combining direct and indirect questions with customized alert thresholds, we can provide a more accurate and reliable assessment of each patient’s condition. 

Overall, this methodology allows us to build a comprehensive and accurate picture of our patients’ health, leading to more effective and personalized care. 

Q: Greg, from your perspective, what makes this partnership successful? 

Greg (Prolifics CTO): Our success really started with our decision to create a flexible, scalable platform instead of just a single product. This smart move allowed PainScript to expand into new areas without having to start from scratch. 

What’s been equally important is our team’s dedication to supporting PainScript through its critical growth phases. We’ve been able to adapt quickly and deliver high-quality solutions, which has really strengthened our partnership. 

We’re constantly working on the application, providing ongoing development, managed service support, and continuous improvements. We collaborate closely with PainScript to roll out new features and enhancements based on user feedback and evolving needs. This hands-on approach ensures the application stays reliable and effective for both patients and healthcare providers. 

Q: Scott, can you share more about the recent projects and updates you’ve been working on with Prolifics? 

Scott Cashon (PainScript CTO): Absolutely. We have been quite busy with several exciting developments. Recently, we launched a new vertical in bariatrics. This means we’ve expanded our services to include support for patients undergoing bariatric surgery, which is an area that has shown significant demand. 

In addition to bariatrics, we are actively working on developing content for two other important areas: physical therapy and rheumatology. These expansions are part of our strategy to broaden the scope of our telehealth platform and reach more patient groups with specific needs. Physical therapy, for instance, can benefit greatly from remote monitoring and personalized exercise plans, while rheumatology patients often require ongoing, detailed management of their symptoms. 

“Recently, we launched a new vertical in bariatrics and are working on content for physical therapy and rheumatology… The platform’s architecture allows us to plug in clinical content efficiently, which has been crucial for this expansion.” 

One of the key reasons we’ve been able to expand into these new areas so effectively is due to the robust architecture of our platform. The system is designed in a way that allows us to integrate new clinical content quickly and efficiently. This modular approach means we can add new treatment protocols, guidelines, and patient management tools without having to rebuild the core system each time. It’s like adding new rooms to a well-designed house, rather than constructing an entirely new building. 

We’re also placing a strong emphasis on data and analytics. As we grow and our patient base increases, the ability to analyze data and extract meaningful insights becomes crucial. By focusing on data analytics, we can better understand patient populations, identify trends, and improve overall outcomes. For example, we can monitor how different patient groups respond to specific treatments or identify early warning signs that might require intervention. 

Prolifics have been instrumental in these developments. Their technical support and expertise have been crucial in implementing these changes swiftly and effectively. They’ve helped us ensure that our platform can handle the increased load and complexity that comes with supporting more diverse patient groups and providing deeper analytical capabilities. 

By focusing on data analytics, we can better understand patient populations, identify trends, and improve overall outcomes.

Overall, these expansions and enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to improving patient care through innovative telehealth solutions. With Prolifics’ support, we’re well-positioned to continue growing and making a positive impact on more patients’ lives. 

Q: Scott, what are the future plans and upcoming projects for PainScript? 

Scott Cashon (PainScript CTO): Looking ahead, we have several exciting developments in the pipeline. One of our primary focuses is expanding our data analytics capabilities. As our client base grows, it becomes increasingly important to understand the diverse needs and behaviors of our patient populations. By leveraging advanced data analytics, we can identify trends and patterns that inform better clinical decisions and personalized care. 

“Looking ahead, we’re excited about expanding our data analytics capabilities… As our client base grows, understanding patient populations and identifying trends becomes more critical…” 

For example, with a larger pool of data, we can detect early warning signs of health issues and intervene before they become severe. This proactive approach helps improve patient outcomes and optimize resource allocation for healthcare providers. 

We’re also enhancing our mobile app to offer more comprehensive resources to our users. This includes integrating additional content such as PDFs, meal plans, and educational materials. These resources provide patients with the information they need to manage their conditions more effectively. 

Moreover, we are incorporating more gamification elements into the app. Gamification involves using game-like features to encourage user engagement and adherence to treatment plans. For instance, patients can earn badges or rewards for completing their daily check-ins or reaching health milestones. This not only makes the app more engaging but also motivates patients to stick to their treatment regimens. 

Additionally, we are exploring partnerships with other healthcare providers to develop content for new verticals like physical therapy and rheumatology. These collaborations allow us to expand our offerings and provide specialized care for more patient groups. 

Q: Greg, any final thoughts on the collaboration between Prolifics and PainScript? 

Greg (Prolifics CTO): This partnership exemplifies the power of collaboration and innovative thinking. From the outset, our goal was to create a platform that was not only effective but also scalable and flexible. This strategic approach has allowed PainScript to grow and adapt seamlessly to the evolving healthcare landscape. 

“This partnership exemplifies the power of collaboration and innovative thinking… By focusing on creating a scalable and flexible platform from the start, we’ve enabled PainScript to grow and adapt seamlessly…” 

Our team’s dedication and agility have been key factors in this success. We have been able to quickly respond to PainScript’s needs, whether it’s implementing new features, addressing technical challenges, or adapting to changing priorities. This responsiveness has been crucial in supporting PainScript’s rapid growth and ensuring they can deliver high-quality care to their patients. 

“The dedication and agility of our team have been key factors in this success…” 

Looking forward, we are excited to continue this partnership and explore new opportunities together. The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, and we are committed to staying at the forefront of innovation. By working closely with PainScript, we aim to develop even more advanced solutions that improve patient outcomes and drive the future of telehealth. 

“We’re excited to continue supporting PainScript and exploring new opportunities together.” 

The collaboration between Prolifics and PainScript is a testament to what can be achieved when two organizations come together with a shared vision and a commitment to excellence.

Thank you, Scott, and the PainScript team, for your trust and partnership. We look forward to the continued success and growth!

About Prolifics

At Prolifics, we don’t just see ourselves as service providers; we see ourselves as partners in our clients’ journeys to success. Scott’s testimonial is a heartfelt reminder of why we do what we do – to make a meaningful difference for our clients through dedication, thoughtfulness, and skill. We look forward to continuing our partnership with PainScript and many others, driving success and innovation together.  

Interested in learning more about PainScript and Prolifics’ collaboration? Stay updated with our latest stories, webinars, and podcasts by following us on LinkedIn. 

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