The Experience POWER Conference – You Talked, We Listened

August 23, 2023
The Experience POWER Conference – You Talked, We Listened

Prolifics’ energy and utility (E&U) experts sponsored a booth at last week’s Experience POWER conference in Savannah, Georgia. On hand to meet E&U industry representatives from around the country were Prolifics’ Konrad Konarski – VP, AI & Emerging Technologies, Michael Braun – Account Executive, Swati Dora – Associate Director – Client Success, and Jeanette Wareham – Account Executive. We had many interesting conversations and discussions, and here’s a summary recap:

What we heard and learned

  • How to generate green energy was one of the predominant questions of the conference – using green hydrogen or other environmentally–friendly sources and moving away from coal/fossil fuel. A tangent of this was the pressure electric vehicles (EVs) will put on the current electrical grid – and how companies are planning to tackle this question. Prolifics’ solution in these areas – which we discussed with many of the attendees – comes from our Emerging Technology practice. Artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and the use of digital twins (an exact digital copy of an existing system to run scenarios without recourse) can all be used to with issues like the capacity of a particular generating plant given specific conditions, or the efficiency of a new design of turbine. Our Emerging Technologies can be used in many ways to generate real answers, quicker and cheaper, than anything previously done.
  • A top concern we heard from E&U operations people is how they work and interact with their IT departments. Often, they feel the business is now driven by technology mandates and IT projects, but the operations people are rarely asked what they need or what they think should happen. At Prolifics, we understand both E&U technology and the E&U business. We know that IT departments are being asked to do more with less, while large tech projects are needed to keep the organization customer-focused and cost efficient. As an IT services provider, we ensure that operations people are a partner brought in to discuss the what, how and why of any E&U technology project.
  • Another major problem that came up in our discussions was regulatory compliance. Prolifics has dealt with regulatory compliance issues across multiple industries – E&U, finance, healthcare – and it often comes down to data governance issues like quality and lineage; lack of integration such as data siloes; and inefficient processes like manual entry. Our Data & AI Governance services provide data quality, accuracy, and availability to help meet compliance goals and objectives, while our Integration Modernization offering addresses the way different systems communicate with each other, to give a company agility and flexibility.
  • In addition to integration for regulatory purposes discussed above, many start-ups came to us asking about workforce and system integrations. Integration Modernization is one of Prolifics’ earliest practice areas – we have more than 30 years of experience. Our offering encompasses full lifecycle systems integration implementation, modernization and management services, including digital transformation, API implementation and management, microservices design and development, and more.
  • Microgrids (or remote grids) were a big topic at the conference, which led to discussions on connected equipment and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) – the deep integration of information, communication, and the real economy. Prolifics IoT expertise is also part of our Emerging Technologies practice, in which we match and combine the latest cutting-edge technologies that are not readily available or used by others for efficiency, safety and cost savings.
  • Many organizations approached us about creating custom-built applications for them for very specific purposes. This is where Prolifics expertise in low-code platforms comes in. Low-code platforms are made up of reusable, connectable components that already have complex code built in. Low code uses a flowchart or storyboard methodology with “drag-and-drop” components to create apps. Low code can build and deliver portable, scalable, and resilient apps faster and cheaper than traditional development.
  • Cybersecurity is on everyone’s mind, with the visibility and importance of E&U companies making them a higher target. Prolifics Identity and Access Management offering moves organizations away from fragmented solutions and helps them evolve into a full, digital-identity-ready business. It controls how individuals are assigned roles and levels of system access; how those individuals enter and move within a system; and how identity and access information is added, edited, and deleted.

The many ways Prolifics can help you keep the lights on

Prolifics knows E&U. We work with energy and utility companies on a wide range of issues,providing our clients with inventive, cost-effective and technology agnostic solutions. Let us help power your success.

  • Application migration and integration
  • DERMS integration
  • Platform replacement
  • Remote grid integration
  • ADMS vendor system issues
  • Data governance
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Mobile functionality
  • Managed services
  • Testing
  • Identity and Access Security
  • Onshore/offshore cost containment

Let’s talk!

Connect with us here.

For more on our E&U practice and client success stories, visit our E&U industry page.

Prolifics is a digital engineering and consulting firm helping clients navigate and accelerate their digital transformation journeys. We deliver relevant outcomes using our systematic approach to rapid,enterprise-grade continuous innovation. Email or visit us at