Automated Database
Agnostic Migrator (ADAM)
Risk-Free, Auditable DB Migration with ADAM
Request An AssessmentADAM: Powered by Prolifics
Accelerated Migration
to Your New Database
Database migrations are notorious for their complexity due to the non-standard nature of SQL. Every database uses SQL, every database uses a different standard of the language and a different way of doing similar things.
In short, converting code between databases is the primary risk when moving between databases, it is the main reason clients are locked into expensive licencing arrangements and legacy technology.
Our clients were facing this challenge, so we decided to do something about it. We tried AI, and that was not accurate enough; you can get across ‘the message’ when translating dialects, but SQL has to be exact. So, we developed a solution to remove this barrier to change, based on some clever concepts and methods.

The Fastest Route to
Your New Database
SQL Database Code Migration in Four Easy Steps
Confirm Your Scope
Prolifics will extract all of your SQL code, and run this through our tool, allowing us to confirm exactly what work is going to be required and the effort this will take. Receive an assessment of the effort and cost to migrate your database.
Convert Your Code
Prolifics covert your code optimally taking into account the nuances of SQL compatibility, to get the best version of your source. Incompatibilities are highlighted and changes tracked, to provide full auditability.
Migrate Your Data
The target database is checked against the source environment to confirm successful conversion of the code. Then, using Prolifics' bespoke tooling of Python and NiFi we will migrate the data itself to the target database.
Test Your Solution
Without a robust testing methodology and knowledge of common SQL pitfalls, timelines can become compromised. Our specialist testing team create the right environment to make this final process seamless.
A Complete SQL Database Migration Tool
Introducing ADAM: The Automated Database Agnostic Migrator
ADAM from Prolifics makes migrating between database vendors simple, fast and low risk. All that’s required is to provide us with your code and our consultancy team will use ADAM to assess your data
(tables, stored procedures, queries, triggers, SQL code stored in
applications etc.) which will then be sorted into three categories:
- That which can be automatically converted to run on your target database
- That which requires input before it is automatically converted
- That which is not supported on your target database and needs manual intervention
Following this assessment, we provide you with a precise estimate of the work required for your code conversion. Combining this information with a questionnaire on your current and target environments, we give you a full end-to-end plan and cost for the database migration and go-live.
Why Choose ADAM?
Enterprise Database Migration, Faster.
Prolifics developed ADAM because we found that while there were existing tools available, none of them truly met the needs of a database migration. They either attempted too much and failed, or were simply too shallow for enterprise-level engagements.
We built our solution, ADAM, in alignment with core principles discovered through multiple database migrations, principles that existing tools, solutions, and services lacked. ADAM was specifically designed to surpass ‘off-the-shelf’ tools and migration services, none of which meet the specific requirements of a SQL database migration.
Some of the SQL database conversion challenges addressed by ADAM include:
- Auditability: All code changes are tracked, making debugging easy.
- Database Agnostic: Our unique approach to code conversion means that ADAM works with most SQL versions. Sources and targets for ADAM include Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, Snowflake, Sybase, and more!
- ADAM as a Service: ADAM is not just another opaque software product that gets you 80% of the way there, nor is it a blank check for consultancy. Our service provides a quote before any work is undertaken and delivers on budget.
Database Migration Use Cases
ADAM’s compatibility means IT teams reach their target DB safely. Here’s some examples of reasons why our customers have migrated:
Arrange a Call With Our Expert
Request a Database Assessment
Your next step may or may not be crystal clear, but a lack of tried and tested skills can be a daunting prospect when it comes to moving or migrating enterprise databases.
Spend 30 minutes with our database migration expert, for an assessment of the time and cost required to move you to your target database.
Gather Insights On Database Migration
Read more about ADAM and SQL Database Migration Services
Need Clarification?At Prolifics, we have created a set of integrations that ensure seamless migration regardless of your database.
During the assessment phase, Prolifics will provide a full report of possible errors, items that require rearchitecting and integrations needed for your specific database.
Prolifics has the capabilities to help you get to the cloud and make the most of it.
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