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Moving off Oracle

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The Oracle corporation has been an innovator ever since releasing the first commercially available database in 1979, so it is no surprise that their database product has been the lynchpin of many companies’ data strategies for decades.

That said, many organisations are now finding reasons that the database is no longer the best fit for their needs – perhaps for technical reasons, perhaps for ethical reasons, or perhaps it just comes down to the cold hard cash for the license fee.

Whatever the reason for wanting to move off Oracle, it can be a daunting task. Ultimately databases exist to serve the applications that run on them. Applications that in turn are used to drive business value. A database change must only enhance the experience of the application users, and it is for this reason that this is where Prolifics Database Migration planning begins.

There may be very valid technical or commercial reasons why actually, despite the license fee, moving off the Oracle database is not the right decision. For example, if your applications are Oracle applications, you may find that you are only licensed to use those applications with an Oracle database. So, leaving Oracle database would actually mean leaving the Oracle Corporation all together, which is a much bigger project with much higher business risk. Prolifics will guide you on the technical and commercial considerations to help you understand if migrating from Oracle is a good fit for your business. As you will discover, one of our key focus areas across the whole project will be minimising risk.

Ways we minimise risk:
Technical and Commercial viability assessment before any work takes place.
Comprehensive code assessment upfront, before any investment in services.
Automated changes where possible to minimise human error.
Experienced consultants on hand to provide guidance every step of the way.
Detailed project plans in advance with fixed price costings where possible.

If your Oracle database is a good candidate to migrate to another database, then Prolifics will introduce you to ADAM. ADAM is the Automated Database Agnostic Migrator.
But what does that mean?

Automated – Prolifics went to market searching for a database migration tool to help with moving our customers between database vendors. We found many, but none that worked for us. They were either just a bunch of scripts that didn’t do the job, or a ‘black-box’ with no auditability that also didn’t suit our needs. What we needed was customisable automation. A system that tells us what it is going to do before it does it, takes the application into account, and then automates the creation of the best solution under the guidance of a database migration expert. It didn’t exist so we built it.

Database Agnostic – Most migration tools move code from A to B, or from C to D, but unless they specifically target A to D you need a different tool. ADAM works differently as it doesn’t convert directly, but rather works on a hub and spoke model. This means that it converts A, B, C and D into a central model, and then converts that into your target database A, B, C or D. Obviously it does not work with every single database ever made but it does work with all the major relational DBMS’s. So if you want to move to Postgres, Db2, Sybase, SQL Server, Aurora, etc etc – then ADAM will work for you.

Migrator – The tool is an assistant to our consulting services. We do not provide the ADAM software to our customers, we provide a migration service using ADAM. We do not just run your code through a tool and hope for the best. ADAM will analyse all of your SQL code upfront as a part of the planning process. From that analysis we will then identify every line of code as one of the below
Needs a re-architecture as it is not supported on the target database, storing Oracle parquet files on postgresql for example (correct at the time of writing)
Needs a sensible decision made by the consultant, distribution keys for example.
Code that could be migrated a few ways, and so the specific conversion is application dependent, how to store numbers for example.
Code that can only be migrated one way, and so can be automatically converted without further analysis.

What do Prolifics offer to help me move off Oracle?

Prolifics offer a database migration service, where our consultants will use our proprietary ADAM tooling to offer an accelerated migration program and minimise project risk.

What is the process?

Reach out to one of our team who will help you conduct a viability assessment over a short 30 min call. From there we will provide a questionnaire about your environment for your application teams to respond to, and we will request all SQL code from your database (table definitions, stored procedures, triggers, the lot). Prolifics will run the code through ADAM and assess every single line of code. From there Prolifics will issue a quotation to migrate the database for you, and then you either sign up or you don’t.

We are a busy team, how much help can Prolifics provide?

Prolifics usually help our customers with the planning, data migration, code migration, and then database tuning – leaving most of the testing and application changes to the client’s internal teams. However, Prolifics can offer testing services and application development consultancy too if required.
“We can do this with you, or we can do this for you”.

How do I get started?

Please use the form below to get in contact with one of our Account Executives who will be able to get you started.