Creating a “Team” AI – the Intelligent Assistant

December 1, 2023
Creating a “Team” AI – the Intelligent Assistant

At issue – Gen AI that works alone

Most generative AI platforms, like ChatGPT, work on an individual “prompt and response” approach – your employee has a question, asks ChatGPT, and receives an answer. In a company of 1,000 people, there are probably 1,000 individual ChatGPT-like accounts. Maybe departments are trying to set up one account for group use, but it would still depend on one sign-in and there’s no real sharing among individual users. 

The need, then, is to incorporate Gen AI into an already existing group platform – like Microsoft Teams or Slack. This would add interactive, on-demand intelligence to an already collaborative environment. It would go well beyond traditional office tasks, offering versatility for a variety of different use cases. Here are just a few examples:  

  • field workers troubleshooting issues by accessing insights remotely  
  • medical personnel retrieving and analyzing patient histories and drug interactions for quicker care  
  • separate retail divisions enhancing customer understanding by sharing complex know-your-customer (KYC) metrics  

This type of Gen AI application would drive productivity across an organization, promoting an efficient global work environment and information network.  


Let’s apply this to a real scenario

A leading global technology company in the payments sector, operating in more than 200 countries, needs to integrate Gen AI within Microsoft Teams to create an interactive group resource for on-demand insights. The goal is to enable chat interactions about current work, releases, deployments, troubleshooting, answering questions, tracking time, and keeping a history of issues and resolutions.  

Prolifics can create a custom Gen AI Intelligent Assistant to answer the challenge. It would examine productivity information, time and project tracking for management reporting, and team collaboration and communication. 

The custom Intelligent Assistant design begins by incorporating a “listener” that seamlessly integrates into Teams chat, complemented by an orchestrator, a database with a large language model (LLM), and a user interface (UI). The Gen AI solution actively monitors Teams chats and extracts and stores information. It now responds when prompted by commands like: “I want to start a new release,” “I want to track a deployment,” “I want to track my time,” or “I want to check if this error has happened before.” The solution uniquely meets the client’s objective of increasing productivity by reinventing productivity. 

For even more efficiency and cost savings, we would use a retrieval augmented generative (RAG) pattern. This gets around the potential financial costs and time constraints with “fine-tuning” the LLM – meaning adding and training the LLM on client data. RAG allows client data as external content to flow into the LLM. 


The benefits

Once the Intelligent Assistant goes live and scales across teams, the client would experience major productivity gains, including: 

  • improvements with rapid issue identification 
  • more accurate and efficient time and project tracking 
  • instant access to information 
  • on-demand real-time content creation such as reports, steps for issue resolution, and more 

As the knowledge base for the LLM grows, the Intelligent Assistant expands in value. It further accelerates project timelines and issue resolution, keeping teams focused on the priority tasks that make the biggest business impact.  

For this client, the intelligent assistant doesn’t just improve processes; it ultimately unlocks data’s power for improved customer experiences in payment processing:  

  •  Faster issue resolution: Enhanced internal operations enable quicker identification and resolution of issues, translating into a more efficient and satisfying customer experience. 
  • Improved service quality: Streamlined internal processes lead to higher service quality, resulting in more dependable and consistent services for customers. 
  • Quick response times: Efficient teamwork and communication results in faster response times to customer inquiries and support requests. 
  • Innovative customer solutions: More productive groups can work on developing new customer solutions, enhancing the company’s competitive edge. 
  • Data security and privacy: Efficient internal operations contribute to the secure and private handling of customer data, which is critical in many industries. 


Why Prolifics for your Gen AI solutions?

We’ve made considerable investments in Gen AI use cases at the virtual Prolifics Innovation Center, so we are well positioned to help you understand what you would need to first invest in and implement. 

We’ll help you understand what the best technology is for your Gen AI use cases because we’ve already achieved success with a range of different technologies. We’re not tied into one specific technology solution. 

And, you’ll have the full benefit of the Prolifics’ “Power of 1.” We’ll generate impactful ideas in one day; we’ll give you proof of value in your context in one week; we’ll deliver an MVP with tangible business value in one month; and scale to deliver 10x ROI in one year. 


Learn more about Gen AI at Prolifics. 

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