7 Reasons Why Urban Cities Need AI Video Analytics 

August 1, 2024
7 Reasons Why Urban Cities Need AI Video Analytics 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming urban spaces and enhancing community life by making them smarter and safer. At Prolifics, we are at the forefront of these advancements, leading initiatives such as the National AI Video Analytics Program. Developed in collaboration with the AI Applied Consortium, the Georgia Institute of Technology, DePaul University, and various municipalities across the United States, we aim to transform how cities manage and enjoy urban multi-use trails and public areas. 

Urban cities are vibrant and constantly evolving to meet the needs of their residents. By leveraging AI video analytics, cities can now analyze video footage to effectively manage the complexity of urban life, ensuring safer, more efficient, and more sustainable communities. Here are just some of the reasons why urban cities need AI video analytics!

Keeping Our Cities Safe 

AI video analytics boosts public safety by monitoring activities in real-time and spotting suspicious behavior. This means quicker response times and better resource allocation for law enforcement. By deterring crime and ensuring a safer environment, AI makes our cities more secure. According to the National Institute of Justice, predictive policing using AI can reduce crime by up to 20%.  

Smoother Traffic Flow 

Handling traffic in busy urban areas is a constant challenge. AI can analyze traffic patterns, identify congestion, and adjust traffic lights instantly. For example, a study in Pittsburgh found that using AI to manage traffic lights resulted in a 25% reduction in travel time and a 40% decrease in wait times at intersections. Additionally, the implementation of automated traffic surveillance and control systems in cities like Los Angeles, have reduced travel time by ten percent using 40,000 loop detectors across thousands of connected intersections with automated signal control This leads to less traffic and better transportation efficiency, keeping our cities moving smoothly. 

Smarter Urban Planning 

Urban planners can use AI video analytics to see how public spaces are used. This helps create better parks, walking areas, and bike paths. A report by McKinsey shows that AI can provide real-time insights into traffic and public safety, making cities more livable. Our AI Video Analytics Program utilizes Prolifics’ state-of-the-art AI computer vision technology to analyze pedestrian and cyclist traffic patterns, aiding in the development of sustainable and enjoyable urban areas. In Barcelona, the use of AI in urban planning has led to a 20% increase in green spaces, improving air quality and residents’ quality of life. 

Going Green 

By analyzing pedestrian and cyclist traffic, AI promotes greener commutes and reduces carbon emissions. Creating multi-use trails and encouraging non-motorized transport can greatly contribute to sustainability. The Brookings Institution highlights that cities using AI can drive local economic growth while being environmentally friendly. For instance, Copenhagen’s Smart City initiative uses AI to monitor and promote cycling, resulting in a 10% increase in bicycle commuting and a significant reduction in carbon emissions. Video surveillance analytics support these efforts by providing data-driven insights for eco-friendly urban planning. 

Boosting Local Business 

AI video analytics helps local businesses understand customer behaviors and preferences. This leads to more targeted marketing and better business locations, boosting the local economy. Our AI system provides valuable insights that support economic growth and community well-being. A study by Harvard Business Review found that businesses using AI analytics experienced a 50% increase in sales efficiency and a 60% improvement in customer satisfaction. 

Protecting Our Privacy 

Advanced AI systems, like those from Prolifics, ensure privacy by making personal data anonymous at the edge. This keeps data secure and maintains trust, complying with strict privacy regulations. The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) stresses the importance of privacy-preserving AI technologies, aligning with our ethical AI practices. As Konrad Konarski, Vice President of AI & Emerging Technologies at Prolifics Inc., said,

Our approach not only leverages cutting-edge AI but also emphasizes ethical considerations and privacy.” 

Engaging and Educating the Community 

AI video analytics initiatives often involve educational workshops, research partnerships with universities, and collaborations with non-profits. These efforts help communities get involved, provide research opportunities, and link academic ideas with real-life applications. Dr. Karthik Ramachandran, Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, noted, “This project will provide significant research opportunities for our students and faculty, bridging the gap between research and real-world applications.” In Seattle, community engagement initiatives using AI have led to more inclusive urban development projects, ensuring that resident feedback is integrated into city planning. 


Urban cities face numerous challenges that require innovative solutions. Cities can use AI video analytics to improve public safety, urban planning, environmental sustainability, and local economies. They can also protect privacy and involve the community in important ways. AI is important in public safety, traffic management, crime prevention, and video surveillance analytics. It helps create smarter, safer, and more sustainable cities. 

To see a practical application of how AI can help urban communities, check out our use case on Helping Urban Communities Get the Most from Their Green Spaces. Learn how Prolifics’ Greenspace Video Analytics can transform green spaces into well-maintained, safe, and engaging areas for everyone. 

For more details on our initiatives and to stay updated on our progress, subscribe to our monthly blog! 

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