What’s Trending in Data Governance?

December 14, 2023
What’s Trending in Data Governance?

Curious about the latest industry insights on data governance trends? We’ve gathered key findings from recent discussions, including insights identified at DGIQ East in Washington, D.C. These observations span diverse industries – manufacturing, education, government, and insurance – each encountering unique challenges and opportunities in their data governance practices Here’s a summary of the current data governance landscape in 2024:

  • Data quality and accuracy: The emphasis on ensuring data quality and accuracy remains a focal point in the industry. Managing messy data poses challenges that can significantly impact decision-making. The consensus is clear – a robust data quality strategy is foundational for any successful data governance initiative.(1)
  • Data lineage and transparency: Understanding data lineage emerged as a key theme. Companies emphasized the importance of comprehending where data originates, how it transforms, and where it ultimately resides. This knowledge is fundamental for ensuring transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making. (2) and (3)
  • Identifying Data Owners and Roles: Expert advice on identifying data owners, stewards, and defining roles is paramount. Establishing a clear chain of responsibility, along with securing executive sponsorship, is pivotal for effective data governance.
  • The Role of Data Catalogs: A comprehensive data catalog plays a vital role in streamlining data management processes. Creating a centralized repository for metadata not only facilitates efficient data discovery but also enhances overall data governance capabilities. (4) 
  • Presenting Business Cases to Leadership: Crafting persuasive business cases for data governance initiatives is essential. The focus is on articulating the tangible benefits of improved data quality and governance to the leadership, emphasizing the positive impact on decision-making and organizational success. (5)
  • Top-Down Approach to Data Governance: Initiating a data governance strategy requires a top-down approach. Securing buy-in from leadership is a critical step in aligning organizational goals with the data governance roadmap.
  • Shaping Student Success with Predictive Analytics: In the education sector, a significant trend involves leveraging predictive analytics to identify students at risk of academic challenges. The application of data to predict and prevent student dropout rates showcases the potential of data-driven approaches in the education domain. (6)
  • AI’s Impact on Enhancing Data Quality: Within AI data governance, a key highlight is the role of AI in enhancing data quality. Practical examples, such as leveraging AI models like ChatGPT, illustrate its contribution to improving data governance. Discussions explore AI applications for predictive analytics, sentiment analysis, and the creation of data based on customer reviews to enhance overall data governance and quality. 
  • Navigating AI and Governance Considerations: Examining the intersection of AI and governance, discussions address ethical and operational considerations when employing AI in data governance. A shared concern emerges around ensuring the responsible and transparent use of AI. (7)

The many ways Prolifics can help you manage your data 

Prolifics knows data. We work with companies from many industries on a wide range of issues, providing our clients with inventive, cost-effective and technology agnostic solutions. Let us help power your success. 

  • receiving data   
  • the quality of the data   
  • data’s role in an architecture that is purpose built   
  • defining, understanding and using metadata  
  • tracking data lineage   
  • securing the data   
  • making it available to the end users and systems 

For more on our data governance practice and client success stories, visit our Data & AI expertise page. 

Related Resources

  1. Data Governance Drives Informed Choices At Top Health Insurer
  2. Understanding The Value Of Data Lineage For Your Business
  3. MANTA And Prolifics Announce Global Partnership  
  4. How To Leverage Data Repositories For Improved Customer Experience
  5. Selling Tech To Your C-Suite – 3 Tips To Make Them Say “Yes”
  6. Predictive Modeling, A Tool For Student Retention
  7. Avoiding AI Pitfalls with AI Governance

About Prolifics

Prolifics is a digital engineering and consulting firm helping clients navigate and accelerate their digital transformation journeys. We deliver relevant outcomes using our systematic approach to rapid, enterprise-grade continuous innovation. Contact solutions@prolifics.com or visit us at prolifics.com. 

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