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The Evolution of AI Emotion and Sentiment Analysis

The Evolution of AI Emotion and Sentiment Analysis

Artificial intelligence emotion and sentiment analysis has come a long way over the years and is on track to revolutionize the... Artificial intelligence emotion and sentiment analysis has come a long way over the years and is on track to revolutionize the

The Explainable AI Imperative Amid Global AI Regulation

The Explainable AI Imperative Amid Global AI Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was a big first step toward giving consumers control of their data. As powerful as this privacy initiative is, a new personal data challenge has emerged. Now, privacy concerns are focused on what companies are

AI in Recruitment: Removing Biases and Increasing Efficiency

AI in Recruitment: Removing Biases and Increasing Efficiency

There are many stages in recruitment when a potential hire applies for a role The CV or cover letter needs to be reviewed, and from there, they may have two or three rounds of interviews. If offered a job, conversations around salary and onboarding and

Introduction to TinyML

Introduction to TinyML

In this blog post, you’ll learn about Arduino Nano 33 BLE and the basics of TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers. Since I’m selected to contribute to TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers for this year’s Google Summer of Code program, I will learn about

Why foundation models in AI need to be released responsibly

Why foundation models in AI need to be released responsibly

Percy Liang July 3, 2022 Percy Liang is director of the Center for Research on Foundation Models, a faculty affiliate at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI and an associate professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. Humans are not very

Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum Computing for Dummies

Quantum Computing for Dummies Search: Explore by topic FOR THE TECHNOLOGY INSIDER Topics Follow IEEE Spectrum Support IEEE Spectrum IEEE Spectrum is the flagship publication of the IEEE — the world’s largest professional organization devoted to

A Look at the Future of AI Technology

A Look at the Future of AI Technology

One of the most significant tech developments in decades, artificial intelligence is getting ever closer to being a common feature in our day-to-day lives. Already being used to predict user behavior, we take a look at the possibilities of the future of AI

IoT for Supply Chain Management: How to Use IoT for Enhanced Business Operations -

IoT for Supply Chain Management: How to Use IoT for Enhanced Business Operations -

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the world we live in. Every global industry has the impact of IoT on it that only aims to increase the efficiency of business operations and provide better user experience ultimately. Apart from automated cars

NY Among Early Adopters of AI Robots as Companions for Older Adults

NY Among Early Adopters of AI Robots as Companions for Older Adults

The number of adults reaching retirement age in the United States is climbing yearly. In 2019, adults aged 65 and older represented 16% of the population, totaling more than 54 million. While many of these adults are still living independently, a growing